Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Timmy Reed channeling The Governator for the Maryland Writers Association at the CityLit Stage of the Baltimore Book Festival. Thanks BOPA, MWA, CityLit, For Crying Out Loud, Arnold, Jacob, Rick, and everyone who came to watch.

Friday, September 4, 2009

One or two more pictures, then we're out!

Just a couple of new pictures and we (Animal Stories) are out! In the meantime, I will be putting together short zines featuring some of the existing stories and illustrations - not because you want them, just because we like to waste paper (trees are for suckers - of air, primarily.) You should be able to find them soon at Cyclops on North Ave and at Bookfest, where I will also be reading (perhaps in a Speedo) from a memoir entitled Arnold:The Education of a Bodybuilder. Love it or leave it, People!